6 Post Cataract Surgery Recovery Tips

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Many patients understand preoperative cataract surgery procedures, but that’s only half the story. We at Snead Eye Group want to stress the fact that post-cataract preparation is just as important, if not more important, because proper care can guarantee that you receive the best possible recovery.

Below we will share six cataract surgery recovery tips that will help you plan ahead to create a relaxed and successful post-cataract recovery.

Plan Your Ride Home Ahead of Time

Following cataract surgery, you’ll be sedated and your vision will be limited, making it necessary that you have a relative or friend drive you home. For the safety of others and yourself, we recommend that you avoid driving for 24-hours following surgery.

Relax and Sleep

After surgery, you will likely feel tired, but this is completely normal! Sleeping plays a crucial part in your body’s healing process so there is no need to fight this urge. Make sure you follow your doctor’s guidance and the instructions closely for post-operative healing.

Create a Meal Plan

If you live on your own or you are in the habit of cooking extravagant nightly meals, you may want to consider a meal plan for the first few days following postoperative surgery. As mentioned above, many patients feel tired and lethargic after surgery and find the meal making process strenuous. Plan ahead by purchasing or making pre-cooked meals!

Avoid Bending and Heavy Lifting

During the recovery process, the incision made in your cornea is left to reattach itself. To avoid issues such as the incision reopening, we advise all patients to avoid bending down and lifting heavy objects. These actions create pressure behind your eyes and could lead to further complications. 

Avoid Pools and Other Irritants

Following cataract surgery, your eyes become more susceptible to infection. It is important that you avoid getting water in your eyes as well as other irritants such as dirt, dust, and pollen. Pools, hot tubs, and tap water can all foster dangerous bacteria, because of this, we advise that you avoid these activities during your recovery process.

Listen to Your Doctor

A vital element of recovering from cataract surgery is listening to your eye doctor and returning for follow-up appointments. By attending all of your post-operative appointments, your doctor at Snead Eye Group is able to monitor your progress and make sure your recovery is going smoothly. If complications do arise, it is also much easier to address them early on, rather than later. Follow up appointments are also the perfect time for patients to ask questions and express any concerns they might have.

Well, we hope that these six tips provided you with insight on what you can expect during your cataract recovery process. If you’re beginning to feel nervous or anxious about your upcoming surgery, don’t be! The recovery process following post-cataract surgery is nothing, compared to the lifetime of great vision that lies ahead of you!


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