Medical vs. Vision Insurance

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Many times patients are confused about the difference between which insurance plan covers what. The physicians at Snead Eye Group provide comprehensive medical eye exams for those with eye disorders, as well as routine vision exams.

If you have both vision and medical insurance it is helpful to know that the purpose of your vision insurance is to provide a routine eye exam to check the overall health of your eye. This is similar to a preventative visit to your Primary Care Physician. In addition, your vision insurance may have an allowance for glasses or contacts if needed. If you are being evaluated for any medical conditions, such as cataracts, glaucoma or diabetes, you are being provided with medical care and as such, your visit will be filed with your medical insurance.

If you have vision insurance and Snead Eye Group is participating in your vision plan, a vision exam will be filed as a secondary claim after your medical plan completes the claim for any medical services. If you are being seen for a routine eye exam and do not have vision coverage, your medical insurance will not pay for the exam.

When you visit Snead Eye Group for a routine eye evaluation, we collect the fee at the time of service unless we participate with your vision plan. If we are participating, we will follow your plan’s guidelines and collect applicable copay and/or co-insurance at the time of service.

Rest assured, our knowledgable staff will determine the appropriate plan (medical or vision) to file your claim with, based on the results of your exam. We look forward to being your eye doctor of choice!

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