
Ectropian, common in the elderly community, is a condition that causes the inner eyelid surface to become dry and irritated due to a “turning out” of the eyelid. Symptoms can include: irritation, excessive tearing, and excessive dryness.

Sometimes the Ectropian symptoms can be managed with artificial tears, but only until surgery can be scheduled. If your eyelids are drooping, and your eyes are constantly irritated or watery, make an appointment to see one of our doctors for an evaluation.

Snead Eye Group has the knowledge and experience to perform many different eyelid surgeries including Ectropian repair. You can see more of the surgeries offered by Snead Eye Group on the Eyelid Surgery page.

Our doctors perform these surgeries in our Fort Myers and Naples Surgery Centers that are dedicated to ophthalmic surgical procedures including a variety of eyelid surgery, cataract surgery, Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty, and LASIK.

Financing for your eyelid surgery is available

Snead Eye Group works with Care Credit, a finance company that can help patients pay any high insurance deductible. When patients apply and are approved we offer a two year, no interest rate, payment plan.

Click here to read about what to expect with eyelid surgery.


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