
What is a Stye?

Styes are small bumps resembling a pimple on the inside or outside of your eyelid.

What Causes a Stye?

A stye develops when a gland at the edge of the eyelid becomes infected. Styes are caused by staphylococcal bacteria. This bacterium is often found in the nose and is easily transferred to the eye by rubbing first your nose and then your eye.

Who is Most Likely to get a Stye?

Styes can occur at any age and are not harmful to your vision.

What are the Symptoms of a Stye?

A stye usually begins with pain, redness , tenderness and swelling then a small pimple appears. You may notice frequent watering in the affected eye, a feeling like something is in your eye or increased sensitivity to light.

How is a Stye Detected?

The initial symptoms of the stye usually present the diagnosis. However; you may choose to contact your eye care specialist to be sure.

How is a Stye Treated?

Most styes heal within a few days on their own. Applying a hot compress for 10-15 minutes , three or four times a day may speed up the healing process. The compress will help relieve the pain and brings the stye to a head, much like a pimple that will then rupture, drain and heal. Never “pop” a stye like a pimple; allow it to rupture on its own.

Chalazion: Another Type of Eyelid Bump

Often mistaken for a stye, a chalazion is an enlarged blocked oil gland in the eyelid. A chalazion mimics a stye then turn into a painless, hard round bump later on. Although the same treatment speeds the healing of a chalazion, if the bump remains after several months, your eye doctor may drain it or inject a steroid to help heal it.

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